A SPRING celebration in support of the Friarage Hospital’s MRI scanner appeal has raised a fantastic £1,700.
The Friends of the Friarage and Northallerton Rotary Club presented The Seasonal Singers at the special concert attended by 130 people at Northallerton Town Hall.
The 15 strong group of Teesside singers – who sing for fun and to raise funds for local charities – entertained with popular songs from the 20s to the modern era at the event kindly supported by the Northallerton mayor, Councillor John Forrest.
A special letter of thanks from the Queen was read out to the appreciative audience. She was interested to hear about the work of the Friends in support of the Friarage Hospital and sent her warm good wishes to the organisers and all who attended the successful and enjoyable event.
Ken Day, leader of the group said: “We heard of the fundraising for the Friarage MRI scanner and wanted to help and what better way than with a musical concert commemorating two special occasions.”
Chairman of the Friends of the Friarage, Dr Upendra Somasundram, said: “We all enjoyed a fantastic musical evening and celebration. I would like to thank the singers for the fabulous concert and everyone who came along for their support.”