Spring Events

Saturday 27 February 2016, 7.30 p.m. at Northallerton Methodist Church

A CONCERT BY NORTHERN VOICES (wonderful choral music for the North East and North Yorkshire) in aid of “Under the Mango Tree”, the Kambe Timboni School, Helping Children Grow www.underthemangotree.org.uk Charity no: 1156094. The concert will include a wide range of popular and classical music. Tickets are £6.00 available by calling 01609 772620 or from the Coffee Pot at Northallerton Methodist Church (open 10-12 on Wednesday and Saturday mornings).

Wednesday 13 April 2016, 9.00-2.00 p.m. at Northallerton Town Hall

Thirsk and Northallerton Methodist Circuit Missions Committee hold their annual SPRING MARKET with refreshments, light lunches, bric-a-brac stall, cake stall, books/CDs. All welcome. Proceeds for Methodist Mission in Britain and World Mission funds.

Saturday 23 April 2016, 4.00 p.m. at Northallerton Methodist Church, SING ALONG SOUND OF MUSIC.
All welcome. Details available by calling 01609 774060. Proceeds in aid of “Under the Mango Tree”, the Kambe Timboni School, Helping Children Grow www.underthemangotree.org.uk > Charity no: 1156094