Repairs to blockwork in Ripon town centre are to begin next week.
North Yorkshire County Council will repair the blockwork carriageway along Queen Street within Ripon Market Place East, from the junction with Moss Arcade to the junction with Kirkgate.
The work will involve removal of the existing blocks, excavation and reinstatement of the sub-surface and reinstatement of the blocks. Some carriageway resurfacing will also be done as part of the works.
The scheme is scheduled to begin on Monday, 14 September, and is expected to take up to eight weeks to complete. Queen Street will be closed for the duration of the work, with access maintained for taxis and for residents only to Court Terrace. A diversion route will be in place. To allow access for heavy goods and public service vehicles from Moss Arcade to St Marygate, parking restrictions will be in place along Allhallowgate during the works.
County Councillor Don Mackenzie, Executive Member for Highways, said: “We would like to assure residents and visitors to Ripon that the town will be open for business as usual throughout the eight weeks of the works.
“We will do all we can to maintain access to properties and businesses and will make every effort to keep disruption to a minimum. However, there may be times where access will be restricted.
“This work was initially planned for last year, but investigations showed that more substantial repairs were needed because the sub-structure was failing. We can assure residents and business owners that this repair is designed to ensure a long-term solution to these failing setts.”