COME along and join us for our Spring coffee morning and help boost the Friarage MRI scanner appeal at the same time.
The scanner appeals team is asking everyone to drop in to Northallerton town hall, high street, Northallerton on Wednesday 9 March from 9am to 12noon to join them for the final coffee morning fundraising for the appeal.
Attractions include handcrafted gifts, books, bric a brac and various stalls to help boost fundraising for the scanner appeal.
Why not drop in for a cup of coffee and one of our delicious bacon sandwiches, enjoy a browse, have a spin on the tombola and a delicious treat or two?
Paul Watkins, South Tees Charity’s head of fundraising, said: “Our coffee mornings have been an enjoyable and popular way for local people to support the scanner appeal. We hope everyone will come along and support us on what will be our final one before the end of the appeal.”